What We’re About
The Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) is committed to providing effective advocacy, enriching the undergraduate student body’s university experience, and addressing student needs and interests through the delivery of exemplary, cost-saving services.
The SCSU (formerly known as the Scarborough Campus Students’ Council; SCSC) was formed in 1966 and has lead an active role in many victories on campus including the building of the UTSC residences, the creation of a library and the student centre, wi-fi on campus, elevators, introducing the bottled-waterfree campaign, interest-free grace period on OSAP payments and tuition fee billing (the ability to pay tuition fees per semester effective September 2014). These are some of the victories the SCSU has been able to lead because of the commitment of the student membership; students united can never be defeated.
SCSU operates and manages the Student Center, owns the 1265 Bistro restaurant, and provides a range of services including bursaries, discount movie passes, fax service, graduation photos, the Health & Dental Plan, lockers, photocopying service, and SCSU prizes. We also organize events such as the official UTSC first year frosh, cultural mosaic, the year end spring formal, as well as many spirit days and student-focused campaigns.
Scarborough Campus’ Student Union democratically unites, represents and provides avenues for the diverse 17,000 members of the undergraduates student body of UofT Scarborough.
Executive Portfolios
Campaigns & Advocacy
SCSU takes the lead from YOU to bring student issues and concerns to the University administration and decision-makers at all three levels of government. Students shape the direction of our efforts, and the campaigns listed above rely on active participation from our members to be successful. SCSU takes up advocacy by offering Equity Service Centres that respond to student needs.
Being a student can be extremely expensive due to the rising costs of tuition fees. As a result, the SCSU offers cost-saving services to help offset some of these costs such as offering discounted Health & Dental plan, alternative food options, discounted movies, faxing services and many more.
Events & Programming
Building meaningful connections through events and social activities is a great way to create a balanced university experience. Your students’ union creates inclusive and accessible programming both on and off-campus that are catered to your interest as a student, giving you to space you deserve to de-stress!
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Contact Us
Have any comments, questions, and/or concerns about the SCSU? Want certain services or events to happen?
Drop us a line through Message Box. The best thing about this service is it can be completely anonymous. Fill out a form today!
*NEW* if you would like to submit an inquiry about Health & Dental, please fill out this form below.