If you would like to create a campaign. Develop a service, or plan an event, submit your idea the Friday before the upcoming Commission to president@scsu.ca. We meet the last Monday of every month from 5-7 PM.

The Committees of the Union conduct all decisions made by the Board and seek Board approval in all matters. All Committees file an annual report to the Board the end-of-year Joint Board meeting. The Board maintains the following committees (please click on the titles to expand sections)

Get Involved

  • As a democratic organization the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union hosts the SCSU Commission as a forum for all SCSU members to actively participate in the work the Union is conducting. The SCSU membership voted to introduce commissions at the 2013 SCSU Annual General Meeting. Every student member has a vote at the commissions and can steer the work of the Union. The SCSU Commission has the ability to strike sub-committees and working groups.

  • Chair: President

    Description: This committee is responsible for amplifying the voices and concerns of all first-year students at UTSC.

    Membership: This is an open committee for all first-year students. To gain voting rights at subsequent meetings, members are required to have attended at least one meeting previously.

    Meetings: Once every two weeks, beginning October 26th, 3-5pm

    Meeting Details: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/88052928762

  • Chair: President

    Description: This committee is responsible for amplifying the voices and concerns of all part-time students at UTSC.

    Membership: This is an open committee for all part-time students. To gain voting rights at subsequent meetings, members are required to have attended at least one meeting previously.

    Meetings: Once every month, beginning October 27th, 3-5pm

    Meeting Details: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/84519400606

  • Chair: President

    Description: This committee is responsible for introducing and editing changes to the SCSU’s policies and by-laws.

    Membership: This a closed committee that is open for 2 at-large members. It is composed of 2 SCSU directors (elected by board), 2 at-large members (presented and elected by board), the VP Academics and University Affairs, VP Equity, and VP External. Postings for at-large members go up yearly. Email president@scsu.ca for details.

  • Chair: VP Operations

    Description: The finance committee is responsible for advising the creation of the annual budget and presenting the recommended operation budget to the Board. For more details, please see page 28 of the SCSU by-laws.

    Membership: This meeting is closed to all members. It is composed of 2 SCSU Directors and the President. Contact operations@scsu.ca for details.

  • Chair: VP Academics and University Affairs

    Description: This committee is responsible for the disbursement of DSA funding to UTSC-recognized DSA’s. For more details. Please see page 29 of the SCSU by-laws.

    Membership: This a closed committee that is open for 1 at-large member. It is composed of 1 SCSU director (elected by board), 1 at-large member (presented and elected by board), the VP Equity, and President. Postings for at-large members go up yearly. Contact academics@scsu.ca for details.

  • Chair: VP Campus Life

    Description: This committee is responsible for the disbursement of Clubs Funding to UTSC-recognized clubs. For more details, please see page 28 of the SCSU by-laws.

    Membership: This a closed committee that is open for 2 at-large members. It is composed of 2 SCSU directors (elected by board), 2 at-large members (presented and elected by board), the VP Equity, and President. Postings for at-large members go up yearly. Contact campuslife@scsu.ca for details.

  • Chair: President (approved by board; changes yearly)

    Description: This committee has various Elections and Referenda responsibilities. For details, please see the Elections and Procedures Code.

    Membership: This meeting is closed to all members. It is composed of 2 SCSU directors (elected by board) and the VP Equity. Contact operations@scsu.ca for details.

  • Chair: President (approved by board; changes yearly)

    Description: This committee is primarily responsible for addressing appeals made by Election candidates. For more details, please see the Elections and Procedures Code.

    Membership: This meeting is closed to all members. It is composed of 1 SCSU director (elected by board), 1 at-large member, and 1 staff or executive member of a students’ union in the Greater Toronto Area. Postings for at-large members go up yearly. Please contact operations@scsu.ca for details.

  • Effective July 1, 2013, the UTSC Campus Council replaces the former Council of the UTSC. The Campus Councils are governance bodies that have been established by and report to the Governing Council and are comparable to Boards of the Governing Council. They comprise representatives of the five estates – administrative staff, alumni, government appointees, students and teaching staff – with both governor and non-governor members. On behalf of the Governing Council, the Campus Councils exercise governance oversight of campus-specific matters, as well as matters assigned to them by the Governing Council from time to time.

    The SCSU is committed to ensuring that student voices are being heard. We will be attending every meeting and putting issues that are important to students on the agenda at Campus Council. We will also work closely with student representatives to make sure all student concerns are raised at the appropriate committees.

    More information about Campus Council can be found here.

  • The Governing Council, established by the University of Toronto Act, 1971, oversees the academic, business and student affairs of the University. It is composed of 50 members – 25 members from within the internal University community, including administrative staff, teaching staff and students, and 25 members external to the University, including alumni and Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council appointees.

    The SCSU is committed to attending all meetings and making sure the student voice is represented. We also work in collaboration with our sister unions to tackle tri-campus governance issues. The Union will also work with the student governors on Governing Council to ensure that issues of importance to UTSC students are represented.

    More information about Governing Council can be found here.

    • Student Space Committee

    • Study space Committee

    • Risk Assessment (all events that are held on campus)

    • Academic Committees

      • Academic Administrators Roundtable

      • Chairs Committee

      • Course Evaluation Framework Advisory & Implementation Committee

    • IITS advisory committee

    • Food user Committee

    • Positive Space Committee

    • Parking Committee

    • Advisory committee on Campus safety and security

    • Advisory Committee on Physical Accessibility

    • Library Advisory

    • Sub-committee on curriculums and programs

    • Student Services

    • Sit on hiring committees

    • Regular meetings with UTSC Executive Committee & University Administration including

      • VP Research

      • Dean of Student Affairs

      • Dean of Academics & Vice-Principal

      • CAO (SPACE)

      • Director of Student Life/ Athletics/ AccessAbility/ Academic Advising & Career Centre/ Residence

      • Equity Offices (Sexual Gender and Diversity Office & Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office)

      • Retail & Conference Services (other Food Service on Campus)

      • Campus Police & Security

      • Department Chairs

UTSC Governance

Board Packages and Meeting Details

Our March Board Meeting will be taking place on Friday, March 21st from 4 - 6PM virtually. Please contact operations@scsu.ca for access to the zoom link.

Financial Statements