Undergraduate Journal Submission
The following list is various undergraduate journals connected with the University of Toronto.
Each of these journals accepts submissions from students at the Scarborough Campus, and are all excellent ways for undergraduates to begin publishing their research!
Acta Victoriana is the literary journal of Victoria University in the University of Toronto. It is edited and published annually by an editor, a Victoria University student, and an independent committee of current University of Toronto students, alumni and faculty. The journal is under the oversight of the Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council, and funded by a student levy. Free copies are available at E.J. Pratt Library, in Victoria University.
Launched in 2015, Almagest: Undergraduate Journal in the History and Philosophy of Science is the University of Toronto’s student-run undergraduate history and philosophy of science journal, dedicated to spreading truth and insight about the intersection of philosophy, history, science, and technology. We accept sophisticated, original philosophical and historical works from undergraduate students.
UTSC’s Journal of Natural Sciences (JNS UTSC) is a new journal that is run by undergraduates, graduates, librarians and faculty members. JNS publishes work of undergraduates and graduate student including but not limited to: primary research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, critiques, commentaries and other course work.
Critical Intersections in Education publishes manuscripts that provide a critical and interdisciplinary forum for analysis and engagement with topics and issues in education. Critical Intersections in Education publishes both scholarly articles and submissions that go beyond traditional forms of academic publication to challenge and inspire the educational community.
IDIOM: English Undergraduate Academic Journal was founded in 2006 as the University of Toronto’s only journal of literary criticism written by undergraduate students. The purpose of IDIOM is twofold: 1) to recognize and showcase the scholarly achievements of the University of Toronto’s undergraduate literature students; and, 2) to provide the English undergraduate community with exemplars of high-quality academic work and writing. The Focus of IDIOM is scholarship on the texts and contexts of literature and literary studies.
Juxtaposition is the University of Toronto’s premier global health magazine. With a special emphasis on topics that particularly impact the vulnerable and marginalized globally, Juxtaposition provides an interactive forum to explore the essential health issues of our time. Using a multidisciplinary approach, Juxtaposition seeks to include contrasting perspectives on global health issues from a wider socio-cultural, political, economic, and legal context. Juxtaposition aims to be recognized as a current, credible, and compelling publication and act as a forum for sharing ideas, promoting discussion and action on global health topics.
Goose aims to publish the best in student fiction from the U of T community. Our goal is to encourage undergraduate students seeking publication and future careers as writers by fostering a community of creative and critical peer review. The journal, published annually in the spring, showcases the imagination and creativity of U of T students. Print copies are distributed across campus and are available as a free publication.
JULS is the University of Toronto’s pre-eminent journal which features research work done by undergraduate students across a variety of life science fields. Established in 2006, it has quickly garnered the support of various departments (LMP, MGY, IMM, etc.) and faculties (IMS, Faculty of Medicine, A&S Colleges, etc.) All primary research and review articles are put through a rigorous, blinded, two-step peer review process, where it will be edited for scientific rigour and accuracy by a group of fellow undergraduate students, as well as two faculty review members who are Professors at the University. JULS is distributed both in-print (available in the lobby of Gerstein Science Information Centre) and online through this website.
Knots aims to highlight original and unpublished high-calibre work in disability studies by undergraduate students. Knots works to challenge normative conceptions of disability and embodiment while contributing new and innovative knowledge to the field of disability studies. It is edited and compiled by a team of senior students and faculty advisors in the disability studies stream in the Equity Studies program.
Minds Matter Magazine (MMM) is a community platform focusing on student perspectives so we can all think, talk, and take action on matters related to mental health. They tackle current matters that address student mental health issues across Canada through a multi-modal approach.
Founded in 1998, Noēsis is the journal of undergraduate philosophy at the University of Toronto, a project that envisions and aims to engender a culture of creativity and lively philosophical exchange among students. The students whose work appears in our journals are all undergraduate students of U of T, as are the editors who volunteer to organize, compile, and peer review for publication.
On the Move publishes carefully written stories that feature compelling narratives of mobilities and difference, lived experiences of race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, nation, and religion on the move. Many of the stories explicitly address experiences of travel, migration, and (dis)location, but we also welcome a wide range of stories about itineraries, experiences, and encounters as long as they engage with personally engaged and critically informed narratives of space and (im)mobility.
This undergraduate, interdisciplinary, academic journal provides a platform for showcasing exceptional student work in Peace, Conflict and Justice studies. Submissions are open to all University of Toronto undergraduates and recent graduates. As an interdisciplinary journal, we will be accepting a diverse range of submissions including poetry, photography, book reviews, op-eds and long form essays.
Founded in 2014 by a group of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Toronto, Re:locations is a student-run journal and academic forum that seeks to bridge disciplinary and geographical divides. In order to foster dialogue among a wide range of scholars interested in Asia and the Pacific, we invite quality submissions from both graduate and undergraduate students in any discipline who are conducting research related to the Asia-Pacific world.
UTSC’s first and only dedicated political science undergraduate research journal. Brought to you by the hard work and dedication of us behind the scenes team and the members of PSSA themselves. We have a myriad of topics for you to view from the research conducted by the students. We publish annually, so if there is a paper you are particularly fond of in class or you are working on the side, get in touch with us and we can work on getting it published in our next issue!
This journal, a collaborative venture of undergraduate students in the Christianity and Culture program of Saint Michael’s College and the University of Toronto, offers a venue for scholarly conversation about life in the saeculum. In these pages, you will read about the critical engagement between Christian tradition and the broader cultures in which it always and inevitably remains intermixed, including scientific discovery, music and the arts, philosophy and theology, politics and society, and the perennial task of Christian education.
The Scarborough Fair is a UTSC-based magazine that aims to combine all forms of creative literature — poetry, prose, personal essays and beyond—with visual art in order to play with aesthetic and the experience of the reader. We showcase some of the best submissions available from the students on our campus. Keep an eye out for our publication, Scarborough Fair.
The Scarborough Review, a new journal for undergraduate writing at UTSC, invites submissions for its inaugural issue. We welcome students’ critical essays about works of literature in any genre, including novels, plays, poetry, short stories, and graphic novels; essays on critical theory; and essays about film and visual art. Submissions will be reviewed by the editorial board.
The Spectatorial is the one and only genre journal at the University of Toronto. We are going into our fifth year of publishing works in print and online. We accept creative writing (both fiction and poetry), academic writing, graphic fiction and visual art so long as they apply to the concept of genre. For us, this includes science fiction, fantasy, horror, mythology, romance, etc., and all other odds and ends of the literary of the world. Our hope is to highlight the intelligence and beauty of properly crafted genre, and to create an environment that fosters creativity of all types.
Symposia is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal for scholars in the humanities and social sciences who identify religion as an important consideration in their research. We invite submissions of original research papers on any topic that critically engages the study of religion.
TWPL publishes papers in the fields of Theoretical Linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, within a generative framework), Language Variation (sociolinguistics, dialectology, language variation and change), and Psycholinguistics (comprehension and production, language acquisition). Normally, papers in applied linguistics, second language pedagogy, or conversation analysis lie outside of our focus and cannot be accepted for publication.
The goal of YEHP is to provide an international forum for those passionate about engaging youth in health promotion efforts to share knowledge, research and practical applications of youth-led health promotion.
The Undergraduate Research Symposium is an interdisciplinary Undergraduate research conference hosted by the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union. Traditionally undergraduate students are not afforded as many opportunities as they should reclaim educational institutions, and drive conversations towards innovation. The SCSU has taken the initiative to create a space to give students the opportunity to present their research and be featured in the conference proceedings.
Contact your Vice-President Academics and University Affairs at academics@scsu.ca for more information!
Please Note: the content provided on this page are Third-Party resources. While we at the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union have done our best to screen and vet these organizations, we have no formal affiliation with them. If you have any issues fully accessing any of the listed organization’s services, we encourage you to contact the respective organization directly.