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URS 2023

Decolonizing Education

Undergraduate Research Symposium

SCSU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual academic event that highlights our undergraduate community’s contributions to research, while offering students a platform to showcase their work.

As we work towards an anti-colonial and anti-racist framework, we acknowledge that knowledge is not objective. We want to focus on expanding the boundaries of traditional research contributions by creating a space that engages a variety of identities, histories, and non-colonial methods of knowledge.

URS will be taking place from March 30th to April 1st, 2023.

Call for Submissions


Decolonizing education means rebuilding a school system that supports all students, staff, and teachers. A system that puts forth the needs of all students and is responsive to the particular needs of each and every individual. Due to decades of underfunding and a foundation of Eurocentric pedagogical bias, BIPOC and low-income students are at a disadvantage in our education system. We need to prioritize and provide space for more representation in all aspects of education. Whether that be through governments advocating for progressive equity-based policy, or BIPOC teachers in the classroom; we need to reinvent our education system so that students across identities are able to thrive.

Science Prompts

  • How can Indigenous healing practices be incorporated into public health in efforts to move beyond the Western hegemony?

  • In what ways can research be adapted to incorporate alternative methods beyond the traditional strategies of data and information collection?

  • How does Indigenous-led knowledge promote biodiversity conservation or climate justice efforts?

Management Prompts

  • How can funding sources shift away from big banks and large corporations to empower more socially-conscious investment strategies?

  • In what ways can financial institutions support Indigenous-led businesses?

  • What tools and resources can be implemented to empower BIPOC entrepreneurship?

Humanities Prompts

  • How has mainstream credited research tokenized and/or exploited beliefs and knowledge of BIPOC communities?

  • What alternative pedagogical methods of learning and teaching could be introduced into classrooms of the Western education system?

  • How can Indigenous-led knowledge keeping be incorporated into policy-making to improve existing decolonial efforts?

February 1

Black History Month

September 25

2023 Fall By-Elections